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Online condolences

Offer your condolences

Express your condolences to friends and acquaintances via the platform

We also offer a platform on which your friends and acquaintances can offer their condolences for the deceased online. This is the modern way of leaving your business card in the church and attracts a lot of visitors. The sympathy messages on this website are placed with the permission of the client. Therefore, not every deceased person for whom we arrange a funeral appears online.
Do you have any questions, or would you like more information? Contact us.

Mdm Renée “Mier” Munnier

Mdm Marie-Catherine Van Damme

Mevr. Nadine Fovel

Mevr. Gerarda Callens

Dhr. Albert Van Hecke

Dhr. Guy Vertenten

Mevr. Lucette Vandenberghe

Mdm Bernadette Pollet

Dhr. Steven Deneef

Mdm Annie Vleurinck

Dhr. Ignace Naessens

Mdm. Daniëlle Huttert

End of condolences