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Online condolences

Offer your condolences

Express your condolences to friends and acquaintances via the platform

We also offer a platform on which your friends and acquaintances can offer their condolences for the deceased online. This is the modern way of leaving your business card in the church and attracts a lot of visitors. The sympathy messages on this website are placed with the permission of the client. Therefore, not every deceased person for whom we arrange a funeral appears online.
Do you have any questions, or would you like more information? Contact us.

Dhr. Philip Molenaar

Dhr. Yves Delens

Mevr. Thérèse Stubbe

Mevr. Claudine Van Meenen – Borrey

Mevr. Christiane Scheyltjens

Mevr. Gerarda Vandenberghe ‘Gerda’

Madame Anne-Marie ‘’Nana’’ Szafiro

End of condolences