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Flower arrangements

Flower arrangements provide warmth and comfort

Flowers make up an increasingly important part during funerals.

Flowers, and in particular natural flowers, make up an increasingly important part during funerals. Flowers offer warmth and comfort and ensure that the burial takes on an even more personal character.

The creation of such flower arrangements in Sint-Martens-Latem for a funeral requires experience and expertise. Haerens Evelyne BVBA, therefore, chooses to only work with the best florists.

We are proud to introduce our florists Ruth De Cooman en Xavier Gouwy.

Ruth De Cooman and Xavier Gouwy create each floral arrangement with great passion and in their own ‘unique’ way. They translate your grief with flowers into a comforting creation adapted to your wishes and your budget. More info on our florists can be found at ruthdecooman.be or xaviergouwy.be or of course via Haerens NV!

Would you like more information, or do you have any questions? Contact us.